SUN Products are produced according to cGMP standard FDA guidelines relating to supplements and consumables.
By purchasing our products, you’re expressing your own interest and beliefs regarding what our formulas may help do for you.
Our products have not been evaluated by the FDA and we have not made any health claims regarding the treatment, curing or healing of any dis-ease or ailment.
All statements regarding products on our site state specific uses confirmed through clinical studies, possible research or anecdotal experiences that our customers have said on their own regarding how our products may have been used by them.
Required by federal law, hemp products must contain less than 3% THC. We test
all our S.U.N.products by third party WA. State certified labs, ensuring safety & consistency.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor should.they be an agency which defines whether a product is of quality. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease due to FDA overregulation. However it may help you feel a lot better.